It’s move in week for thousands of FSU students and FAMU students too! For us locals, that means that traffic is about to return to pre-summer levels. For local restaurants that means the quiet, sometimes completely dead, season is over. For freshmen who haven’t learned how to cook healthy meals for themselves just yet, fast food is the easiest thing to get them through these hectic first few weeks. It means, the local economy is about to get a boost. Sadly, it means hospital’s Emergency Department is about to become a bit busier. When 30,00 young people return to a college town, everything gets busier!
We have lots of FSU parents staying with us and we have some tried and tested advise from our 19 years in business. Want to hear it, parents?
1. Stock your student’s food pantry with staples first. By the time Sunday evening before Monday morning classes arrives Trader Joe’s and other grocery stores will have empty shelves!
2. If you’re getting all the things for their dorm room at Walmart or Target, use the stores close to the Little English Guesthouse Bed and Breakfast. The stores near the university will be crowded, with not much inventory left. We also have a TJMaxx, HomeGoods, Fresh Market and Publix around the corner.
3. Get some rest! It’s an emotionally (and financially!) draining week getting them set up for success, and saying goodbye and preparing for their absence in your home. So make sure you’re staying with us rather than the noisy places near the university. Book your room here
4. Plan now for your future visits for football weekends, Parents weekend, as those dates are peak nights and fill up quickly.
5. Leave quickly. The long goodbye is hard on you and your student. (We have lots of FSU Mums weeping in our breakfast room, so we know!) Take bottled water with you, you can cry on the drive home.
Hope that helps, parents! We’ll look forward to being your Tallahassee home while your student is at FSU for the next few years!
#19YearsInnBusiness #FSUParents #WeloveOurRegularGuests #TallahasseeBedandBreakfast #REALBnB #nocleaningfee #BestPlacetoStayinTallahassee #nearFSU #neari10 #quiet #safe #hotels #FAMU #freeWifi #freeParking #inns #cottage #NotAir #FindB&BTallahassee #iheartTally #neardowntwon #Hotels #NoCrowds #valueformoney #ALittlePieceofEngland #freebreakfast #accomodation @LittleEnglishGuesthouse